Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Final Concept Map

Here is what I came up with for our final concept map. Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


We should really get moving on our website. Lets decide on which standards we want and go from there. Let me know what you are thinking. I was thinking maybe first or second grade would be good, maybe even third grade?

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Story Board

It looks like our Story Board was good! We can start on our website :)

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lesson Plan #2 and Storyboard

I was thinking that for my Lesson Plan 2, I would have the students in a group plant a vegetable and then discuss what they think will happen to it and then watch it for a couple of days. To make it a little more interesting I thought we might plant one and put it outside and plant one and put inside away from the sun. This way they can collect data and see what happens. Let me know what you were thinking about doing and I could change mine. Also, what did you have in mind for the Storyboard. What is our "Big Project" that they are working towards and what tools and resources will we need?

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Digital Story!
Here is my digital story!! I learned a lot of information on how to plant a vegetable garden that would be useful for our pen pal project! 

Friday, May 30, 2014

Route to Orlando, Florida

Here is our route from Kalamazoo, Michigan to Sunrise Elementary School in Orlando, Florida.
We decided that we would use this map to explain to our students the different climates that different areas of the United States have. We would show the students that in less than a day, the climate, the types of plants that can live there, and what time of year that plants can grow changes drastically. With the map we can work with the students to understand climate change and how it affects the vegetables that we are trying to grow.
View Driving directions to Sunrise Elementary School, Lone Palm Road, Orlando, FL in a larger map

Virtual PenPals Link

Here is the link to our Virtual PenPals Description